Fever is a symptom that every person has to go through again and again in life rather, if it is said that fever is a symptom in diseases that is necessarily born and among us, children, young, old, young, men and women all suffer from it and we try to get rid of it as soon as possible. To get rid of fever and for this purpose we use many things like pills, capsules, extracts, syrups etc. And we try hard so that the fever goes down not even in a minute, not even in a second. What problems arise? What is the definition of fevers, how do fevers occur and what is the principle of their treatment and on what principles should a doctor treat fevers? This is mentioned in detail below Fever treatment at home.
The definition of fever in simple and easy words is that the normal temperature of our body is 99.6 Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius which is the normal temperature for humans. And if this temperature increases, then this thing is called fever. Fever is also a sign of illness in the human body. The fever always rises in a sick person. The treatment of fever or high temperature of the body is mentioned according to the principles of treatment of a doctor. Fever medicine explains that the normal heat found in our body, which is also called instinctive heat, if it becomes infected, it decreases due to an inflammation, then our nature is weak, then this heat is given to Gharibiya. It increases and by increasing the heat, it causes fever due to any foul substance or inflammation produced in the body, and our normal temperature decreases. This heat is called fever. This is carbon dioxide, this is inflammation, this is what has been and this is fever. There are three main organs in our body which are heart, brain, liver and glands. And only three of their respective mixtures are found. Mucous secretion and bile So, fever can be defined simply and easily as if the major organs found in our body, the heart, brain, liver, or their respective mixtures become infected, or if inflammation and swelling occur in the organs, then fever occurs and fever is this. It arises so that it can remove the filth present in these mixtures or the swelling and inflammation in the organs, so instead of immediately removing the fever, we should remove these mixtures and the swelling and inflammation of the organs in principle. So that the fever goes down automatically, if the fever goes up to 107 Fahrenheit, there is a risk of death. Therefore, if the fever is at this dangerous level, the patient should be immediately bandaged with plain water and As soon as the fever reaches 105 or 105, then the doctor should start his treatment for Fever treatment at home.
According to the principle of three principal organs, there are also three types of fever.
1: Brain, phlegm or nervous fever: When there is inflammation in the brain and nerves or when the phlegm becomes septic, then the fever that is caused by it is called phlegm fever or brain inflammation fever. It comes and does not feel like eating or drinking. All the veins of the body are swollen. The more the stench is, the worse the fever will be. Vomiting occurs, small urine is white in color and more in quantity. The taste of the mouth is sweet or dull, the heart does not want to eat, the pulse of such patients is very low, it is thick in consistency, the pulse can be felt up to one and a half fingers, these were the symptoms of this type of fever. Now the principle of treatment is that the doctors should stop all types of mucilaginous foods of the patient and replace them with sour foods and bitter foods and use this prescription as a medicine.
In this recipe you have to take the following three things. Hallelujah black brian, amla, sulfur amla sar. Take equal weight of all three, clean, grind very finely and give one to two grams in the morning, afternoon and evening according to the weight of the patient. Give this medicine to a patient with fever for a week, the fever is caused by inflammation of the brain, phlegm, the fever goes away and the patient recovers.
2: Cardiovascular swelling and inflammatory fever:
This fever is caused by the swelling and inflammation of the heart and muscles, and the fever that is caused by the sepsis in the phlegm is called Sodawi fever and the main symptoms of this fever are dry mouth, dry lips, small urine, less quantity and red colour. There is redness, there is gas, there is constipation, the heartbeat is very fast, there are many pains in the body. It happens and the patient’s sleep is extremely reduced. The prescription is as follows for Fever treatment at home.
Ajwain desi, white salt and sulfur amla saar. Take the three ingredients equally, clean and grind them finely and use 500 mg capsule once in the morning, afternoon and evening. Sodawi fever which occurs is caused by inflammation of the heart and muscles of the stomach and putrefaction in the stomach.
3: Hepatic fever:
This fever is caused by the inflammation of the liver and glands and is caused by the stench in the bile. Its main symptoms are severe cramping pain in the abdomen, fever is very high, small urine drop by drop is yellowish and burning like typhoid fever. In this type of fever, the liver and intestines are severely affected. The pulse of such patients is moderate i.e. medium. In this type of fever, all types of hot foods of the patient will be stopped and he will use mucous foods. As a food, sabudana is the best food, whose porridge is the best food, so that the impurities in the intestines are removed quickly and the fever goes down. This recipe is the best for typhoid fever. It is a wonderful medicine. The fever goes away from the second and third doses. Continue using the medicine for one week. So that the swelling and inflammation of the liver, glands and intestines are removed and the stench from the bile is removed, with Fever treatment at home.
Clean leaves of the leaves of Aak and turmeric, remember to prove the turmeric and grind it yourself. Grind the leaves and both of them separately and mix them with a small amount of glue and make pills equal to gram. Dose: Take one pill in the morning, afternoon and evening with water, it is the best anti-fever medicine. If you don’t want to use this recipe, you can also use the following recipe.
Melithi, Sahaga Briyan and Gandhak Amla Sar. Grind the three ingredients by equal weight and use one to two grams in the morning, afternoon and evening depending on the weight. These fever medicines are also the best antibiotic, anti-fever, anti-inflammatory and are the principle treatment of fever by removing the foul smell of the mixture, they remove the causes of fever. Removes the stench of its mixture. It is easy for Fever treatment at home.