Cough is a natural process by which the material gathered in the respiratory parcel, lungs and throat is cleaned, dust collects in the mucous entries, which is cleared by hacking, and it is a reflex. That is, the activity is compulsory, and it is seldom an indication of a troubling circumstance. As soon as the winter season starts, cough, cold, cold takes hold of everyone and causes a lot of trouble and the most annoying symptom is cough, so does cough only happen in winter? No, it isn’t. In fact, cough occurs in both winters and summers and causes problems throughout the year of 3 types of cough, 3 remedies.
Therefore, it is unlikely that only one medicine will be effective for cough. Especially in winter, people use up many cough syrups, but the cough does not seem to stop. So, today we are going to give you complete information about it because cough is a sign that children, old, young, men, women, all are troubled. So, first of all, let’s explain cough. Cough is a symptom. Cough is not a disease, but it is a symptom that shows that there is a non-destructive process in our lungs that causes the cough to heal. .To get rid of that, nature produces cough, that is, suppose if mucus has accumulated in our lungs, then we will call it a phlegm cough, if acid or acidic secretions have fallen in our lungs, then this cough will be called dry. Or if there is more bile in our lungs, then it will be called inflammatory cough. So basically, we divide cough into three types, that is, cough is not the name of any one condition, but it is caused by three reasons of 3 types of cough, 3 remedies.
1. Mucous cough, this cough will be due to brain and nerve inflammation.
2. Dry cough, whooping cough, this cough is caused by heart and muscle inflammation.
3. It is called inflammatory cough or heat-induced cough. This cough is caused due to inflammation of liver and gland. Now we know that cough is caused by three reasons. That is, cough caused by inflammation of the brain, cough caused by inflammation of the heart and muscles, cough caused by liver and glands. Now we mention these three separately.
1: Mucous Cough :
In this cough, phlegm comes to the patient more and the patient is tired of spitting phlegm, small urine in white color and frequent. If the case is worse, then the patient should contact his doctor soon. If the case is beyond bad, then you can treat this type of cough at home. So you use the following recipe.
Kakra Sanghi, Kalonji, cinnamon, take equal weight of all three, grind them cleanly and grind them very finely. Give one gram in the morning, afternoon and evening with water to a young patient, mix it with honey for 2 to 5 years of age. It removes phlegm or cold cough.
2: Dry cough:
This cough is caused by inflammation of the heart and muscles. This is due to the disorder of the sacrificial sac. In this, the patient coughs a lot, but the phlegm is not discharged or is discharged very difficult, it is very thick and sometimes blood comes in the phlegm when the patient coughs. If the small urine of the patient is red in color and less in quantity, then the treatment for this type of cough is as follows.
Sonth or Sondh 5 tolas, Naushadar 2 tolas, black pepper 1 tola. Take equal weight of these three ingredients, clean them and grind them very finely. Give one gram to the patient in the morning, afternoon and evening, it is very useful and beneficial in dry cough. This recipe includes an ingredient Naushadar, which is now included in the English medicine as ammonium chloride, this ammonium chloride is actually Naushadar, and it is also included in the name of ginger in addition to Naushadar in dry cough syrup today. What is being done that relieves dry cough? In the English medicine for dry cough, black pepper is also added to the syrup, which proves that the use of herbal medicines is increasing, which is a good thing. In the English medicine for dry cough, black pepper is also added to the syrup, which proves that the use of herbal medicines is increasing, which is a good thing. An other prescription for dry couph is this, The best treatment for dry couph is couph alleviation in the primary portion, klonji oil, almond oil, honey, take all equall. Blend equivalent weight and utilize 2 teaspoons around evening time while going to sleep.
3: Inflammatory cough:
Inflammatory cough, it occurs due to inflammation of liver glands. Cough comes frequently in it, mucus becomes very thin, mucus falls inside instead of outside, which is also known as kera.
In a phlegmatic cough, the white mucus falls out in large quantities, in a dry cough, the mucus is thickened and discharged in a small amount, while in an inflammatory cough, the mucus or fluid is thin and salty, the mucus or fluid falls inward instead of coming out. Which is called Kira. Other symptoms include urination The color becomes yellowish, it comes with burning, it comes drop by drop. Its treatment is as follows.
Melthi 500 grams, Qaz Shireen 500 grams, Sat Pudina 20 grams. Grind these three ingredients finely and mix them. Consume one spoonful of its dose in the morning, afternoon and evening. For inflammatory cough, you can also make another recipe, you can use the ingredients of this recipe are as follows: Melthi, Sahaga Briyan and Gandhak amla saar. Use three times a day ie morning, noon and evening, this inflammatory cough will go away.