Abdominal Obesity.

Abdominal Obesity and it is found in humans worldwide. Obesity is apparently not a disease itself, but it is definitely one of the causes of a hundred diseases. Heart diseases are caused by obesity. Fat comes, fat comes on the eyes, becomes fatty liver While obesity makes life miserable and causes diseases, it also destroys the health and youth of young boys and girls.

Here are some:

best juices to get smart and slim and we will also tell you when you should consume these juices، so that if you use them at the right time, they will give you better benefits of abdominal by obesity

So, friends, we see that obesity is the main cause of many diseases, including high blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, and urea nitrogen. Apart from this, obesity is also a major cause of fatty liver cancer and brain diseases

Diseases Of Abdominal Obesity:

obesity causes the fallopian tubes of women There it causes varicose veins in men and causes blockage of the ducts Due to which men and women become victims of infertility abdominal-obesity

This is what causes joint pain in our joints due to wear and tear There is constant pressure on our joints due to wear and tear Due to which the joints become hardened very quickly And the person becomes crippled and remains sitting in one place And his life becomes limited.

So friends here:

we go and examine which ingredient juice will benefit you when you drink it۔ 1: So first of all we see that in the morning on an empty stomach, you have to use the juice that we are going to tell you, then this morning on an empty stomach will give you the best results and the obesity will go away very quickly. You will become smart. What you have to do for this is to extract the native garlic juice, one spoonful of native garlic juice, and you should add this one spoonful of garlic juice to half a cup of water and dissolve it well.

Now you have to put:

two spoons of honey in it and you have to mix ten drops of lemon in it and you have to mix it well and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. And will not drink anything for half an hour from above. So this drink is also a cure for many diseases and also removes constipation, prevents excessive urination, is also very useful in sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, urea, removes them, removes constipation, leukorrhea flow. Useful to us Improves vision Removes laziness So this is what you drink in the morning Drink on an empty stomach. 

Now we go in the afternoon:

In the afternoon you lose weight Which drink to use? You have to take half a cup of cucumber juice. Now this half cup In cucumber juice you Grind two black pepper and add it And you have two spoons in it Honey should also be added.


After mixing it well in the afternoon Have to drink This is the remedy, This herbal drink is very useful in obesity, In which the stomach hangs Vermicelli obesity Blood pressure remains high Vermicelli uterus Inflammation of the uterus Such privileges also This is the best treatment There it also removes obesity. 3:

The third one is our drink۔ It is a herbal drink. You have to drink it at night while sleeping. So how do you make it? You have to take one spoon of ginger juice And it has to be mixed with half a cup of water You have to mix two spoons of honey in it And you have to drink it is before bed well at night So this is the drink that you have to drink at night It also relieves constipation Also removes gas.

Due to constipation:

and passing gas Uric acid is also removed Creatinine also begins to normalize And triglycerides and cholesterol also start to decrease And within a few days your rash is gone You become slim and smart And avoid many diseases So these are the three best herbal drinks Which are the cure for many diseases And also removes obesity And this is the best time to drink them You will drink them in their time So it will give so many results that you will be amazed So use them and remember them in your prayer.

Some more useful Precriptions:

      Compelling treatment ofAbdominal Obesity

Recipe to dispose of heftiness.
Inside one to two months, regardless of how enormous and fat the stomach is, it will be totally inside. I will foster nimbleness and energy ۔ Individuals who have stomach and liver issues, for instance, absence of craving, extreme stoppage, cerebral pain, muscle pressure, heartburn, nail shadows on the face, dim spots under the eyes, blood problems, tingling, and so on. This large number of sicknesses will be killed in one month. You can get in shape up to four to five kilos inside 10 days.Constantly utilizing it won’t build the weight once more. Make it and make use. Individuals say everything is completely false. Weight doesn’t diminish. Stomach doesn’t diminish. My solicitation is to utilize it once. Inshallah You will be shocked by the outcomes۔

Ajwain Desi 100 grams,
50 grams of lac dana,
Musabar black 100 grams,
Roman Afsanteen 50 grams,
Gul Kanir White 50 grams, Noshadar 50 grams,
50 grams of Qalmi shorao,
Black pepper 50 grams,
Turmeric 50 grams,
Clonji 40 grams,
Sanamaki 50 grams,
Lemon juice 1 kg,
Watermelon 500 grams.

Recipe Planning:
Naushadar, Qalmi Shoora and Masbar
every one of the fixings in Kwar Gandal and lemon juice. At the point when dry, blend the other fixings and dry them.
Measurements of food:
One container just a single time around evening time after dinners.
All things should be unadulterated


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