Treatment Of Anemia

Today we will read about the causAnd if this deficiency of blood is born in children against God’s will, then their growth stops. The sight becomes weak and dullness comes. The child becomes very tired and cannot continue his studies because every disease envelops the person, his immunity is greatly reduced because blood is the source of strength. Blood is the source of immunity. So now we see what are the symptoms of anemiaand what is  Treatment Of Anemia.

The first symptom is that the patient complains of weakness, he is very tired, the complexion is of anemia, its symptoms and its treatment principles. Blood is a bright red mixture that contains our mixed mucus, soda and bile, or in modern terms, alkali, acid, and salt, or in terms of cells, platelets, RBCs, and WBs. It is a mixture of C or explain it further, it contains fluids, heat and acidity and this blood is a symbol of life, without this blood life cannot exist and if there is a lack of blood for any reason, God wills it. If a person goes, he becomes sick, he cannot continue his affairs, he becomes very tired due to blood less and it is necessary to Treatment Of Anemia.

There is no heart in any work, eyesight becomes weak and besides, there is lack of sleep. and this work is done by the nature to meet iron or hemoglobin, like some people start eating clay, some people start eating coal, some people start eating cement, i.e. unnatural things. The desire to eat increases and in severe disease sometimes the spleen increases and the bones start to become crooked, then these symptoms show extreme complexity. Now we see that How can we treat it? Anemia occurs in three situations. Number one is if the secretion in the blood decreases or the acidity of the blood decreases or the temperature of the blood decreases or in the blood in the body. If platelets are reduced or RBCs are reduced or WBCs are reduced, then we will fill only the blood component that is reduced, it is not that we will bombard indiscriminately. Run, do this, do that, fill the patient’s stomach, eat fruit, eat fruit, eat as much as possible, eat goat, eat beef. If we give more then the loss of blood will be complete, otherwise it will not happen. Today we will tell you about the loss of blood. Redness goes to the pit, its strength decreases, hemoglobin decreases, RBC decreases, iron decreases. The urine is profuse, it is white in color, the patient becomes very cowardly, his growth stops, in such a case, you should stop all mucoid foods, stop milk, stop rice, stop canned juices, stop carrots. Stop juicing carrots, which increase blood flow, but in such cases, carrots will further reduce blood flow.

So you don’t eat any type of nervous foods, but instead you eat sweet foods, you eat pickled foods, you eat protein foods, and which foods are included in these foods. In addition, you should give him a square amla in the morning breakfast. It is to be given to the patient or its juice is to be given to the patient and along with it you have roasted gram for adults, twenty pieces of raisins, ten pieces of raisins and five pieces of figs to be given to the patient in the morning and evening. The only things you can have for breakfast. Rather, you can give it at any time. We have set a schedule.

Otherwise, what you are being told in the breakfast can be given to the patient in the afternoon and at night. You have to cut a medium sized tomato and sprinkle some salt on it. You have to give it to the patient to eat. In addition, you have to give big meat, you have to give fish. You can also give chickpea dal halwa  and black gram soup you can also give tomato mint ginger chutney.

So you can give these things to the patient in the afternoon. At night, you can give more fruits to the patient. It has apple, grape, falsa, plum , sanghara, ok, yes, sweet potato, ok, mango. You can give food or fruits to such a patient, then in a short time, God willing, the blood loss of the patient will be completed and the patient will return to life.

Food sources rich in folic corrosive are likewise considered to treat weakness. On the off chance that the utilization of food varieties containing folic corrosive is made a piece of your daily practice, not just the blood doesn’t happen in the body, however the individual is likewise safeguarded from numerous illnesses.

Dull green vegetables are consumed crude or cooked to get a reasonable measure of folic corrosive. Also, the body can get enough folic corrosive from peanuts, sunflower seeds, liver meat, and new organic products.

    Vitamin C intake also does not cause anemia, as vitamin C helps in iron metabolism. And by consuming foods rich in vitamin C, many blood problems can be avoided. It is useful in anemia. In addition, vitamin C is also considered useful for the production of hemoglobin. Vitamin C is abundant in oranges and lemons, which are cheap and useful.

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